A Note from Dr. Fridh
Happy Spring! I am looking forward to warmer weather and not having to dress in so many layers as we go outdoors. This first quarter we have been busy! In January, I traveled to Virginia for our annual ICD meeting and to Massachusetts to speak at Yankee Dental Conference. Both trips were in relation to my role as President of The International College of Dentists. They were quick trips, but it was overall a great experience. At the end of February, I, along with a few staff members, attended the Mid-Winter Meeting in Chicago. It’s a pretty fun time to see what new equipment is available and listen to some well-known speakers. I even was asked to speak on Saturday at the meeting to the combined luncheon for American College of Dentistry and International College of Dentistry. It was an honor! I just returned home from New Orleans where I was a speaker at the Louisiana State Dental Meeting, and In May I will be in Scottsdale, Anaheim, and Indianapolis all in one week!
As some of you know in January, my dog Liam passed away quickly from what must have been an aggressive type of cancer. His sister Maggie is still doing well, and Marti and I got her a new dog friend. His name is Murphy and he fits into our family just great.
In early summer, I will be out of the office with some neck repair surgery. I have Dr. Randy Banic as my stand-in. Dr. Banic and I have been friends for many years, and I trust him to take care of my patients and staff when I need to be off. Please make every effort to keep your scheduled hygiene appointment in my absence so we can keep your oral health in optimum condition. My staff will call me every clinic day to keep me informed about our practice. When I return to the office in late summer, I will be better than ever and ready to serve your dental needs.
As you may have noticed, a few faces have changed at our office, but rest assured, we still provide the warmest welcome as we always have. We strive to serve our patients to the highest standard and appreciate your loyalty to our practice. -Dr. Fridh
Meet the Newest Fridh Family Member!
Dr. Fridh is excited to introduce the family’s newest addition, Murphy the Irish Setter! Pictured to the right is Murphy and Maggie, his sister.